9 ways on how to beat your health fitness goals in 2021

9 ways on how to beat your health fitness goals in 2021

Phew, can you believe 2020 is over? 2020 has been that year we all want to put behind us as soon as possible. Well, not so fast, what were your health fitness goals / resolutions, and did you achieve it? Making resolutions is easy. The real work starts in February when burpees stop being fun, and you remember how tasty donuts are in the morning. Mmm… donuts.

 As gyms swiftly lose their New Year’s Day members, you may find yourself losing motivation. Resist the temptation to swap dumbbells for downtime. In this article, I help you know how you can set your fitness goals and achieve them at the end of the year. 

I have struggled before with achieving my health fitness goals, and that is frustrating. You know for moms, life may get in the way with the little ones around, work, and other stuffs that may need your attention. This makes it easier to let your health fitness goals go untouched. 

Setting Health Fitness Goals

  1. SMART goals aren’t new to you. SMART goals stand for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. I remember back then, I was motivated to lose weight each new and would simply have a goal as, ” Lose weight this year.” This goal lacks specificity such as how much weight do you want to lose, what are you going to do to achieve this, when do you want this achieved and how are you going to measure your progress. When your health fitness goals are SMART, it opens the door for accountability. 
  2. Long term and short term Health Fitness Goals. When setting a goal such as losing 20 pounds by 31st December 2021, it is easier to forget the baby steps towards that giant goal. Short term goals are important as they focus on the minute details that include what you are going to do each day. Your short term health fitness goals will be the tiny improvements that will keep you motivated as you work towards living a healthy lifestyle.
  3. Include workout in your schedule. Many of you write to me, ” Am interested in losing weight, but am just too busy and can’t get time.” Honestly, life throws many things at us, kids, events, work, bills, name them. If you find that creating time seems a hard thing, I’d suggest you track what you do throughout the week and be honest, you’ll realize that you can squeeze in an hour of workout in a day. You want to achieve your health fitness goals, create time for it, that is if being healthy matters to you.
  4. Accountability. Research shows that those who share their goals with someone have high chances of reaching them. Apparently, having a health fitness goals buddy creates a system of support that makes them have expectations, which you have to work towards. I created a Facebook Group that offers support to all moms with the goal to lose weight and eat clean. In my Eat Your Way To Fit group, we workout LIVE, learn about our bodies, and learn how to eat. 
  5. Eat Healthily. If you have been following me for a while, you know am not a big fan of diet or intermittent fasting. If your aim is to achieve a long term goal of staying healthy, then I would suggest you get a nutrition plan. You might be familiar with the quote, ” You can’t do the same things over and over and expect different results.” This statement is true, if your goal is to be healthy, you have to know what you eat, what portion, and how much of each.
  6. Workout. You might have decided that you will be waking up early to workout or perhaps stay up late to workout. Corona Virus forced the closure of many gyms around the country, and there is a likelihood that it will stay so until around July 2021. You can workout at the comfort of your home with little to no equipment. Join other moms and I as we workout for 45 minutes for 5 days.
  7. Know your WHY. Why are you setting health fitness goals in 2021? Depending on how long you know me, I have kidney stones, and for me, that is my WHY. Your WHY could be to get fit for that wedding, or after birth to go back to the fit person you were or it could be you want to gain some muscles to feel good. Know your WHY and let it stick with you. You can hang your WHY with your goals where you can easily see and remember to work towards achieving your goal.
  8. Track your progress. A fitness tracker can be a motivator for reaching your goal. You can track your workouts and food. You need to stick to a food plan that works for you. 
  9. Your mental wellbeing. It is suggested that working out improves your mindset. Try to avoid anxiety and stress at all costs. Have enough sleep and drink enough water. 

Final Thoughts on health fitness goals

There is no doubt that starting something new could be challenging. However, nothing worthwhile comes easy. Have you ever seen your favorite sportsperson do little in practice and win? It is clear that they spend countless hours doing that which hurts. Getting fit requires you to learn to endure the pain at first and with time it becomes normal. Sticking to a food plan isn’t easy, but it is worthwhile. Have no more second thoughts and get started right away.