5. A hanging tool that’ll help you get the picture perfectly straight on the first try. You can finally hang up that art print you bought last year and all without drilling unnecessary holes, cursing, or tears.
This all-in-one tool is essentially a tape measure with sliding pins and a built-in leveler, which is perfect for anyone who can’t keep track of a bunch of different tools (me).
Promising review: “For some reason I’ve always had trouble hanging pictures on the wall. ESPECIALLY pictures with two hangers. A typical picture hanging session used to look like this… Measure, measure again, mark the wall, measure again, measure yet again, drill holes in wall, hang picture, step back and look at my CROOKED picture. Repeat.
I have no clue why or how my pictures ended up crooked after measuring and leveling so many times. It was quite frustrating and left my wall with lots of extra holes.
Well, this tool changed ALL that! It makes it so easy to hang pictures…STRAIGHT…the FIRST time! A chore that used to take 30 minutes now only takes five. Would be a perfect gift for new homeowners.” —MommyRN